False Flags

While false flags have been committed for thousands of years, the term itself "False Flag" goes back only a few hundred years when sailing ships were the norm.

An enemy ship would lower its flag and raise the flag of their enemy. They would then sail toward their enemy, who did not fear anything as they believed the approaching ship is one of their own.

The ship flying the false flag would get within range and then open fire.

The Cabal often creates "False Flags" (Magick) to create excuses to start wars. JFK rejected such a plan:


The United States Department of Defense leaders wanted to actually kill military men/women and citizens of the USA for the sole purpose of getting the public's support to attack Cuba.

JFK did not understand how deep and wide the Cabal was embedded on a global scale. The Cabal could make anything happen and cover it up. JFK was beginning to cause the Cabal a headache.

Throughout history, the False Flag ("Magick") has been employed thousands of times with the purpose of convincing the masses that a particular country or group of people is "bad" in order to raise support for attacking that country or group of people.

How many countries has the USA bombed in the past 30 years under Clinton, Bush, and Obama?

The USA has dropped at least 337,000 bombs on:

Syria5 years
Yemen7 years
Somalia15 years
Iraq16 years
Pakistan18 years
Afghanistan21 years

These wars were critical to the Cabal's interests... to change the regime to Cabal puppets... get a Cabal banking system installed... get Cabal run industries installed...

The CABAL controls the media and shapes how the masses think... The Cabal needs public support so there isn't a rebellion or uprising of the masses in protest of these wars.

The headlines shown above help "lull" the people back into a slumber in regard to the bloodshed that resulted from the wars. Re-read those headlines.

No war is justified.

But the Satanic Cabal needs war. It's part of their system.

Fast forward to today. How many events in recent history were "False Flag" events? Were they created by our military leaders or the CIA?

Interview with EX-CIA Whistleblower
(False Flags)
(6 minutes)

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See the full 1 hour interview here:

More False Flags?

(28 Seconds)

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Was the Oklahoma bombing a false flag?

Food for thought:
  • Did Iraq have weapons of mass destruction?
  • Are the rumors true that the CIA orchestrated 911 as a false flag event to create an excuse to attack Iraq?
  • Was Saddam Hussein really a bad guy? And even if he was a "bad" guy, was he launching attacks at us or our country's interests? Or was he a convenient, created villain to acquire a desired result?
  • Was President Bush part of the Cabal?

Things to ponder...

The Secret Economic Empire
(64 Seconds)

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In Iraq, under Saddam, women could wear whatever they wanted and were allowed to attend college and hold professional positions. Iraq was very progressive.

But International Courts (Cabal Infiltrated) found Saddam guilty of many crimes against his people, most notably, the genocide of the Kurdish people, and Saddam was hanged on December 30th, 2006.

Or was the genocide carried out by Cabal actors to create a false flag event? And that, coupled with 911, would gain global support to attack Iraq, which then led to regime change and Saddam's death sentence. Was a Cabal controlled government installed?

George W Bush
(On Putin Invading Ukraine)
(Freudian Slip)

(11 Seconds)

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Consider the following:

911 Survivor at the Pentagon

(89 Seconds)

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Pentagon Security Footage

(34 Seconds)

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Pause the video and slide the slider to 14 seconds, then slowly move frame by frame:

No Plane


Pentagon News Report
Only Aired Once

(51 Seconds)

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A B-25 Bomber hit the Empire State Building and the building survived. This building was built in 1931 using construction techniques of the time.

Construction on the Twin Towers began in 1966 and were completed in 1974, using unprecedented levels of design innovation and engineering prowess, according to the History Channel.

News Footage of Plane Hitting Twin Tower

Watch close as the wings disappear
and the building returns to normal

The whale demonstrates what CGI and Holography can do

(17 Seconds)

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The plane disappears into the building before the explosion. The building magically regenerates to normal just before the explosion. The plane appears to get 100% inside of the building before the explosion, demonstrating that the airplane was added to the video using CGI.

Further, airplanes are made out of aluminum.

The building has massive steel I-Beams that are reinforced with a lattice truss system. The plane has tiny aluminum ribs with thin aluminum skin holding it together.

The airplane would have broken the windows of the building, crumpling the plane and then it would have fallen straight to the ground.

The plane would never have made it into the building. It is structurally impossible.

Further, the news told us that the burning jet fuel melted the steel I-Beams, which caused the buildings to collapse.

Jet-fuel, when ignited, generates temperatures around 1,500 degrees F.

Steel melts at over 2,500 degrees F. Building code requires all steel support beams to be insulated with fire-resistant insulation, which was the case with the Twin Towers.

Do you remember how they caught and arrested one of the terrorist planners of 911? They found the passport of one of the hijackers in the 911 rubble. They then traced his movements backward to the person they arrested.


This is what the media expects us to believe:

  • The plane made it inside the building, aluminum slicing through steel I-Beams.
  • Jet Fuel explodes and burns, melting the I-Beams, causing the collapse of the buildings.
  • The buildings collapse
  • The pilot, who was in the plane, carried a passport... (A terrorist with a legitimate passport)
  • The building is on fire because the plane blew up.
  • Somehow, the pilot's passport popped out of his pocket, danced through the flames, unscathed, ... to be found in the rubble...

2.3 Trillion Dollars Missing on Sept 10th
(29 Seconds)

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(5 Minutes)

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Research Building 7

Building 7 also collapsed. But no plane hit it. It just collapsed. And it was two blocks away from the Twin Towers.

Twin Tower Turns to Dust

(3 minutes)

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This is just three minutes of a 17-hour video on this topic, that can be found here:

Ultimate 911

We all believed the 911 narrative because it was drilled into us 24/7 for weeks on the mainstream media, and this event was then used to invade Iraq in search of "weapons of mass destruction."

Turn Volume Up
Listen to what the 911 Fireman says

(29 Seconds)

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U.S. Intelligence

7 out of 10 plane crashes are not accidents.

Muammar Gaddafi was the leader of Libya from 1969 until he was beaten in the streets and murdered in 2011.

Muammar Gaddafi
False Flag Event to Corrupt Libya

(10 Minutes)

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Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

In September of 2009, Gaddafi addressed the United Nations. The following is a portion of that address:

“Today, there is swine flu. Perhaps tomorrow there will be fish flu because sometimes we produce viruses by controlling them. It is a commercial business. Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations. That is very shameful and poor ethics. Vaccinations and medicine should not be sold,” he said.

He went on to say that “medicines should be free of charge and vaccinations given free to children, but capitalist companies produce the viruses and vaccinations and want to make a profit. Why are they not free of charge? We should give them free of charge and not sell them.”

Gaddafi was aware of the global Cabal, and he fought to keep them out of his country and protect his people. This was the reason the Cabal created a false flag and engineered his death.

False Flag Events have been used many times throughout history for the sole purpose of creating an illusion for the public to believe.

When the Cabal does it, it is an "Intervention"...
When "Non-Cabal" does it, it's an "Invasion"...

Russia recently invaded Ukraine, which was once named Khazaria.

The Ukraine is a Deep State, Cabal controlled country used for the production of Adrenochrome, humans for organs and child trafficking, housing bio-weapons labs to research and produce viruses for future pandemics, and money laundering for the Cabal.

And the people of Ukraine have suffered for it.

Russia has put a stop to all of this. Our tax dollars have been sent to the Ukraine to help them defend themselves against Russia, but they are not going to the defense of Ukraine. That money is going into the pockets of the Cabal.

And the media is using "Magick" to trick the U.S. citizens into "Standing with Ukraine" and supporting the billions of dollars being sent over there.

What they are not telling us is that the citizens of Ukraine have been subjected to experimental viruses for decades, and the Ukrainian people come out into the streets and cheer for the Russians when they "invade" their cities and towns.

Russia is liberating the Ukrainian people.

New Biological Update from Russia

A news briefing from the Chief of Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defense Forces, General Igor Kirillov, on military biological activities of the United States in the territory of Ukraine.

Russia is claiming that the U.S.-funded labs in Ukraine created and released COVID-19. Russia does not blame the United States, but instead, blames the "DNC/Liberal Globalists" (the Deep State, One World Order, World Economic Forum).

Read the full story here:
Russian Military Declares Ukraine Origin of COVID

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