The Cabal Bullhorn
Operation Mockingbird

MainStream Media (MSM)

For the Cabal to execute their illusions onto the masses, they needed to infiltrate, purchase, and control all of the major media corporations. This way, they can set their corrupt narrative in the minds of the people and control them.

To demonstrate this truth, consider ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox. One would think they are independent corporations that are not colluding or controlled by the same entity. We rely on these organizations to tell us the truth and to investigate each other. Each should be writing their own scripts and narratives.

Here is a compilation that demonstrates they all are using the same exact script, and they are all different networks. Fox, CBS, NBC... Etc.

How can that be? Don't they independently write their own scripts?

Answer: No. They are controlled by a single entity:

(23 Seconds)

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Look at all the different logos represented in the video above. ABC, FOX, CBS, MSNBC, and other local stations follow the same exact script.

(14 Seconds)

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In 1983, 90% of American Media was owned by 50 different companies.

In 2015, 90% of American Media was owned by 6 different companies.

These 6 media companies are controlled by the Cabal.

(52 Seconds)

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With all that is going on with pedophilia, satanic worship, and child sex trafficking, one would think the media would be keeping us, the public, informed, but they are not.

The reason is: They don't want YOU informed of this. They want to keep you in the dark so they can continue to do their evil... untouched.

Slowly, over several decades, the Cabal acquired all of the media. Now, they control the news; they control what you know, and they control you through information.

Do you recall the videos about satanic rituals? All were from the 80s and 90s? After those news reports came out, the Cabal bought up the major news organizations to stop any reports like those from being investigated and reported.

All of the networks are "mockingbirds" with the same narrative. Draw your own conclusions. But also research: Operation Mockingbird

The Cabal has infiltrated Hollywood, global news, the CIA, the FBI, major corporations, and governments (worldwide). They control the narrative.

The news needs COVID to look so bad
that it keeps us steeped in fear

Staged Bodies in Body Bags
(11 Seconds)

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(13 Seconds)

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Apparently, no one told the actor in the body bag that the fake news was going live.

The truth when the camera is turned off.

Do you recall in May of 2021, when the Mainstream media talked about the variant outbreak in Mumbai, India?

They said people were dropping dead in the streets, and they even showed pictures. This was the Cabal's bullhorn at work.

Skeptical people did research and found the same pictures used in the news reports to have been recycled photos from a gas leak in Mumbai a few years prior.

People in Mumbai, who heard what the world media was saying, began posting videos:

Mumbai India
(28 Seconds)

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The Cabal uses every trick in their book to keep us (sheep) fooled.

We are at WAR right now. It is unlike any other war in history. It is an information war. People are being gaslighted by the media and politics.

Staged News Feeds?

Take a close look at the weapons these Ukrainian civilians are holding...

Wooden guns?

The Props Department couldn't find real guns?

Check out the tweet above

By the date shown, this had 215,000 views

It's a very sad picture- a soldier saying goodbye

However, it's another Cabal lie.

The picture is taken from a Movie!!!

Emotions work, but when they lie to get you to feel a certain way...

Poor Bernie. He was executed by the Taliban in 2021
And then died again in Ukraine from a Russian bomb in 2022.

The Cabal loves to show us they are lying. They think we are stupid farm animals and won't catch this. Is Bernie even a real person? Or is he just some image they grabbed to make up this story. If he is real, then why did CNN report his death on two separate occasions?

Either CNN is completely retarded (Yes, retarded) to have made this mistake, or they are doing it on purpose to laugh at us, the public, who wants to believe the media.

It can only be one or the other:
  • Retarded
  • Doing it on purpose

The Cabal's Mainstream Media (MSM) at work
or is it the (FSM) Fake-Stream Media??

TGCOM News Station showed the top picture on their channel and reported this as live footage from Kiev, Ukraine.

The bottom picture is a clip from the movie "Deep Impact."

The unsuspecting public buys into this and doesn't question the media. That needs to change.

It is said that Walt Disney (the man) was a 33rd level Mason and that's why Disney movies and cartoons are full of pedo symbols. Just look at all the entertainment and news companies Disney has bought.

For Satanic reasons, (part of their religious order), they must tell us what they are going to do before they do it. They must warn us first, and they do it in subtle ways.

Satanic Practices
(59 Seconds)

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Spiritual Rules
(2 minutes 54 Seconds)

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They put all of these WARNINGS into movies and other entertainment to let us know in advance.

Did you ever see the children's cartoon movie: Monsters Incorporated? The monsters powered their cities with the screams of human children.

Are they telling us about adrenochrome?

Did you see the Marvel Avengers movies? Thanos wanted to depopulate one half of the Universe...

Watch the movie: Wag the Dog (1997) starring Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. That movie is the handbook for what they have been doing to the people of the world for decades.

A comedy about truth, justice, and other special effects.

To the Cabal, truth and justice are not real, just special effects.

Clip from "Wag the Dog"
(1 Minute 39 Seconds)

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Remember, the Satanists believe they must reveal themselves and tell us what they are doing. The clip shown above does exactly this. So many of the news feeds we digest are fake and done for the sole purpose of lifting up the Satanic Grand Illusion so they can openly create strife, pain, and chaos... and profit from it along the way.

Take a look at the above image. It looks like the Ukrainian people are in bad shape. It's very sad.

Now watch the 16-second video below:

(16 Seconds)

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It appears that "Wag the Dog" strategies are being used to shape peoples perceptions.

I could go on an on. Start watching for it in movies and music.

Think of the band the Eagles and the song: "Hotel California"

Lyrics: "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

I always thought this was about drugs. Once hooked, you can never get off of the drug. But that's not true. People clean up all the time and quit drugs. It seems that they just might be referring to the CABAL. Once you are in, you cannot leave except through death.

The EAGLES were telling us, they joined the Cabal so they could become famous, and now that they get that they are enslaved, they cannot leave and go back to their old life.

Mysterious History behind Hit Song: Hotel California

By incorporating these warnings into movies and songs, they are also downplaying the event that is coming. By showing us the truth in a movie, we see it as silly, as fiction and something that could never really happen.

Bob Dylan
(31 Seconds)

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•   Information   •   Disinformation   •   Misinformation

Whoever controls the media, controls the masses. When the masses wake up to this trickery, it will be game over for the Cabal... Hopefully soon.

There is the notion that we have been in what is called "Fifth-Generation Warfare" for several decades now.

  • 1st Generation Warfare: Rocks, Sticks, Clubs

  • 2nd Generation Warfare: Arrows, Spears, Swords

  • 3rd Generation Warfare: Gunpowder, Canons, Muskets

  • 4th Generation Warfare: Planes, Tanks, Missiles

  • 5th Generation Warfare: Information, Repetitive messaging, Psychological Operations (PsyOps) Fake News, Fake Factcheckers

With Fifth-generation Warfare, the battlefield is in the hearts and minds of the people. The Cabal owns the global media networks and has been serving the masses all three above: Information, Disinformation, and Misinformation for many decades.

They continue to drip out some truths that are easily verifiable, so the people believe them to be credible. Then, they drip out disinformation, and the people naturally believe it because the other drips were clearly true.

The Elites who control all of this believe "We the People" are nothing more than sheep to be herded where they will lead us.

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