DemocracyDownload this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." The people in the video are supposed to be educated journalists. Yet they all tout the same phrase "dangerous to our democracy". They are all saying the same thing. Repetitively. Which is a brainwashing technique. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat the same lie until people believe it. This is a coordinated effort to undermine the United States of America. The people in the video know the truth that: The United States of America has never been, and is The United States has always been a Which is NOT a Democracy The Talking Heads on the News, are lying to the American People every day. These people are nothing more than paid actors, reading a Cabal Script. By getting the masses to believe we are a democracy is an effort to move away from the electoral college. Which would be more dangerous. Democracy is MOB RULE. With no checks or balances. Why Democracy is a bad thing, simply illustrated: A plane with 30 people on board loses power in the south pacific. The pilot performs an emergency landing on the water near a small island. The plane sinks, but everyone is able to swim to shore. After several weeks, they realize they may not be rescued, so they divvy up chores and start making rules to live by. They decide they will be a democracy and vote on everything and the majority decision will become law. 6 months go by and it is clear they will not be rescued. At their next meeting, one of the men suggests that he hasn't had sex in a long time, and the women should give them access to their bodies for that purpose. The women are shocked. The men like the idea and call for a vote that would allow the men to pick any women, whenever they want, and have sex with them. There are 18 men and 12 women on the island. The new law passes. Mob Rule. By having a Representative Republic, something like this could not happen. By splitting the group up into various categories, such as: Male, Female Now, each group gets one collective, representative, vote. The women get together and vote amongst themselves and collectively, they cast one vote that represents their group. In this case, the "sex anytime law" would not pass, because the results would be a tie with no majority win. The same is true with our electoral college and the 50 states. If we get rid of the electoral college, it would be "Mob Rule" and the politicians would ignore all of the states needs and desires, except California, Florida, New York, & Texas, whose populations equal a majority of the popular vote. Or, the politicians would only focus on metropolitan voters and pander to metro needs and not rural needs. Cities have the larger populations than rural. Back to Menu |