New World Order - The Great Reset

The New World Order
if they get their way,
will depopulate the world.

Meet Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairmen of the World Economic Forum:

This is an excerpt from Klaus's book titled:

"COVID-19: The Great Reset"

What does the World Economic Forum (WEF) do? Klaus openly discusses his plans: The WEF recruits young elites from every country in the world and indoctrinates them.

If the young elite shows promise and obedience, the World Economic Forum (WEF) funds their rise to power in their country. For example: Justin Trudeau (now the Prime Minister of Canada) was recruited by the WEF when he was a young man.

A slight departure from Klaus to point out how the Cabal likes to keep the bloodlines of their installed leaders pure:

Here is a picture of Justin next to his father,
who was the former Prime Minister of Canada

Not much of a resemblance


Getting back to Klaus...

Klaus has been very open about how the World Economic Forum has been and continues to influence the world by installing his WEF-trained recruits as leaders around the world. And Klaus always has more waiting in the wings to replace said leaders if they are no longer effective.

Just ask Boris Johnson

Let's find out a little more about Klaus...

This is Klaus Schwab:

This is also Klaus Schwab:
(wearing some sort of Klingon attire)

And it is said that this too is Klaus Schwab:

Anonymous people online allege that the picture above is Klaus Schwab. Though it most likely is not, after everything being exposed about these sick, satanic, and evil people, it's not difficult to imagine that it could be.

Klaus has some pretty famous quotes, but the one that resonates the most is:

You'll own nothing and be happy

Klaus also speaks of the Great Reset, which will usher in the New World Order, where we (the sheep) will own nothing and be happy... Klaus also preaches the need to get away from beef, chicken, and pork... And instead, he wants us to eat bugs as our main source of protein.

The Cabal's plan for the The Great Reset is to have multiple devastating events take place that will cripple the world allowing a new world order to save the day. These events include pandemics and destructive Wars, such as COVID-19 and wars with Ukraine, Tawain, North Korea, Iran, Israel... You name it, they are planning it.

Klaus has written many books on taking over the world. He is not shy about his purpose.

This all sounds preposterous, like an evil villain in a James Bond movie. But it is all true.

Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab's Lead Advisor
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It appears Klaus Schwab and friends are megalomaniacs trying to take over the world. And, the United Nations is joining forces with the World Economic Forum:

The United Nations joining forces with WEF
(21 Seconds)

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(3 Minutes)

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Get Ready for Food Shortages


Dutch farmers make it very clear who they think is pulling the strings on the cost of living crisis.

The Netherland's government is forcing their farmers out of business through new "carbon" taxation for farmers and not allowing the use of fertilizer. Massive protests have begun. Recently Justin Trudeau did the same in Canada

Ben Ij Echt Gellukkig? = Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab etc. Are you really happy with yourself?

(19 Seconds)

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Netherland Government
Seizing Farms in The Name of Climate Change

(2 minutes)

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JP Sears is a political commentary satirist. In the following video, he discusses our friend "Klaus Schwab" in a humorous way.

(15 minutes)

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Ralph Epperson researched for 27 years to write
this book and warn the world of what was being attempted.
It was published in 1989

You may download this entire book as a PDF here:
New World Order

Or, you can watch a four-part video of Ralph speaking about this topic here:

Global Warming Will Require LOCKDOWNS
to Control Carbon Emissions

(2 minutes)

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New World Order
(42 Seconds)

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Agenda 21
New World Order
(2 Minutes)

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Agenda 21 Commercial on TV
(Depopulate the Human Stain)
(1 Minute 30 seconds)

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Switzerland Protesting the Global Elites

(27 Seconds)

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COVID-19 Deaths (Before and After) Mass Vaccination Program

(Red line in graphs shows
death count after mass vaccination)

(40 Seconds)

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Data Source: John Hopkins Coronavirus resource center

Covid Shots are FREEEEEE
(56 Seconds)

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GOD's Messenger mRNA
(4 minutes)

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Australia S.O.S.
(4 minutes)

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Australia COVID Camp
(1 minute 27 seconds)

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