Cancer Cures and Prevention

Turbo Cancer
(79 Seconds)

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Cure for Cancer (Hoxsey)
(13 minutes)

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The Hoxsey Cancer Center still exists in Tijuana, Mexico
and continues to cure people with cancer.
You can visit their website here:

The following video is similar to Hoxsey's story, except it takes place in Canada. When Rene was young, her aunt was dying of cancer. She received an herbal cure recipe from an Ojibwe healer. She used it on her aunt, and it cured her.

Rene spent the rest of her life curing thousands of people with cancer until she was shut down by the Medical Overlords.

Cure for Cancer - Rene Caisse (Essiac)
(12 minutes)

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Peer Reviewed Ivermectin Study mentioned above (PDF)

In the study above, they list 7 key protocols to treat cancer at home. It is interesting that these protocols are identical to the Front-Line-Doctors protocols to treat COVID.

These same protocols can be used in your lifestyle, to prevent cancer.

Here are the protocols from the PDF above:

One Company Creates the Illness
Another Company Offers a Cure

(But now they are the same company)

(42 Seconds)

Dr Casey Means

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Monsanto creates a spray to kill weeds, but not your lawn, and runs commercials on TV, convincing the public that dandelions are noxious weeds and if you have them in your yard, you need to kill them.

This spray contains 2,4-D. Some medical professionals are saying this chemical appears to cause cancer.

You may know this spray as "Weed-Be-Gone".

Throughout history, people have consumed dandelions as a food source for its health benefits. It is now being rediscovered that dandelions help prevent cancer and help cure cancer.

Is it any wonder that Bayer and Monsanto do not want you to know this?

If you use a non-cabal search engine, like you can find a lot of information about Dandelion roots healing benefits.

(28 Seconds)

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(60 Seconds)

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Bayer Pharmaceutical makes petrochemical drugs that are expensive, and used in modern medicine to contain, slow the spread, and in some cases, cures cancer. They want to sell more of it. But to do that, more people need to get cancer.

Monsanto makes the spray that kills the plant that can prevent cancer. Dandelions. And that very same spray, people are saying causes cancer.

This is not an accident. This is planned. This is the Cabal. And they think it is funny.

We are sheep to them.

Research Apricot Seeds and Cancer. Many people who's doctors told them to get their affairs in order, who were terminal, desparately searched for an alternative and found studies showing that Apple and Apricot seeds would cure cancer.

They tried it out of desparation and in a matter of months, the cancer was gone.

Their doctors could not believe the recovery.

It is said that eating 2 to 3 apples a week, including a few seeds, will prevent you from ever getting cancer.

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