The Plandemic

(7 Seconds)

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COVID Vaccine Effectiveness
(92 Seconds)

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Dr. Ryan Cole
Vaccine / Cancer

(1 Minute 45 Seconds)

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Morgan Wallace addresses the
Hanover County School Board
(2 minutes)

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Reporter Blows Whistle on Fox News
Regarding Vaccine Deaths
(52 seconds)

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Senator Ron Johnson Panel
Doctors (Whistle Blowers) on Covid Vaccine Injuries

Miscarriages up 300%
Neurological Up 1,000%
Cancer up 300%

(2 minutes 44 seconds)

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Frontline Nurses Warning
(41 Seconds)

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Dr. Bryan Ardis
Remdesivir and Vaccines
(14 Minutes)

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Dr Ryan Cole
Mayo Clinic Trained, Board Certified Pathologist
(13 minutes)

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What Is in the Vaccine
(3 minutes)

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Medicare Statistics
(1 Minute 35 Seconds)

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Hospital Protocols for COVID Patients
(1 Minute 56 Seconds)

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Why Doctors Are Lying to You
(31 Seconds)

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FDA Pfizer Collusion
(48 Seconds)

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Dr. Stanley Plotkin
Under Oath

(54 Seconds)

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Face Masks
(55 Seconds)

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Citizens are innocent until proven guilty.

Medical treatments are the opposite, they are guilty until proven safe and effective.

The medical community has never shown a single study that demonstrates masks work and are safe and effective.

SAFE?   Studies have shown masks are harmful after prolonged use where bacteria is trapped on the inside of the mask and is then breathed into the lungs.

Patent Law: the U.S. Patent Office will not issue a patent on something that occurs in nature- like a virus. They will, however, patent a virus that has been invented.

Many patents were issued for the Corona virus. The CDC owns those patents.
  • #7,776,521 B1
  • #7,220,852 B1
  • #10,130,701 B1
Here is 7,776,521:

Our tax dollars funded the creation of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wuhan Connections
(85 Seconds)

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Blood Donors
(21 Seconds)

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DARPA Is a Military Arm: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Dr. David Martin
(2 minute video)

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SARS was created by the NIH

In 2005, the NIH published a paper reporting that "Chloroquine" is a potent inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus infection and spread.

You can see this for yourself at the NIH website:

Dr. David Martin
Addressing the European Parliament
(5 minute video)

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Dr. Chris Shoemaker
CDC Knew Ivermectin Worked
(1 minute video)

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Did the Cabal create SARS Corona Virus? Did they plan all of this decades ago?

Pandemic created... Did the other head of the eagle come in with a solution... A vaccine?

It appears, however, that the Corona threat is not as bad as the Cabal may have hoped.

By taking Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine, along with zinc and vitamin D, the survival rate goes way up.

COVID Death Definition
(44 seconds)

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Research the PCR test. In August 2021, the CDC made the statement that the PCR test cannot distinguish between the FLU and COVID, and if a person has the FLU and not COVID, the PCR test will return: Positive for COVID.

If the definition of a COVID death is simply testing positive for COVID (when it was actually the flu), but the person died of a motorcycle accident... They were included in the daily COVID death count.

Fear is needed for the Cabal to enslave everyone and get them to do exactly as they are told.

It has now been proven that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) both help resolve COVID-19 and act as a vaccine. Both have been around for 40+ years and have proven to be safe.

It has also been proven, through Dr. Fauci's emails, that he knew HCQ was a proven solution before the pandemic hit.

Ask yourself: Why would Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, and the WHO lie to the people of the world by saying the only cure was a vaccine when they all knew Ivermectin and HCQ would work?

This pandemic should not exist.

(Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)
USA Only

The above information can be found here:

Throughout the history of vaccines, when 50 people died from adverse reactions to the vaccine, they shut the vaccine program down. However, this is not the case with the mRNA vaccines. Tens of thousands have died from the mRNA Vaccine.

Why is the birthrate suddenly dropping globally?

When the vaccine first came out in December of 2020, women began reporting strange changes in their menstrual cycles and reports of miscarriages rose dramatically. Doctors are reporting they are seeing a rise in cancer, miocarditis in the young, heart attacks, etc. Is this a coincidence? Or is this directly attributed to the experimental vaccine?

There are reports that the mRNA vaccine is settling in the ovaries and testicles of our young people and causing infertility.

Another strange thing:

Most of us have heard on the news that the FDA approved the COVID-19 vaccine.

This is true and not true at the same time. We all know that the pharmaceutical companies were given immunity from being sued over adverse reactions in order to roll it out quickly.

This means that a family cannot sue Pfizer if a loved one dies or is impaired from the "emergency-use" vaccine.

However, if the vaccine is FDA approved, then it is no longer "emergency-use," and the pharmaceutical company can be sued.

Pfizer came out with two vaccines. One is called "BioNtech" and the other "Comirnaty".

The FDA approved "Comirnaty" but not the "BioNtech" vaccine.

The mainstream media did not report this subtle difference and only reported that the FDA approved the "Vaccine."

Pfizer has reported that it will not manufacture or distribute Comirnaty and will only distribute BioNtech.

From Pfizer's perspective, this makes sense for their bottom line. If they dropped the unapproved BioNtech and only use Comirnaty, they would open themselves up for lawsuits.

So, it is true that a vaccine has been FDA-approved, but... the approved vaccine is not being used.

Young Wife in Canada

(86 Seconds)

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Vaccine Hesitation
(2 Minutes)

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(3 minutes)

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Dr. Simone Gold was giving Ivermectin to her COVID-19 patients with 100% success because she knew it worked and was proven safe over the past 40 years. She was fired from the hospital she worked at. She was then fired from a second hospital for the same reason.

Ivermectin and HCQ both cost pennies per dose. But instead, the Cabal wants a vaccine that costs billions of dollars...

When word was traveling that Ivermectin cured COVID, the mainstream media immediately launched a smear campaign, stating that Ivermectin was for "horses" and not humans. Even though Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for all the human lives it had saved.

The pattern in these crises is always the same: Create an invisible problem and create fear around this unseen problem. Then pump, pump, pump the fear every day on the news. Finally, create a costly solution that drives money into their pockets.

Big Pharma is making $billions off the vaccine, and you are paying for it through your taxes.

What preventative guidance did the public receive from the government?

  • Stay indoors
  • Wear a mask and trap bacteria against your mouth
  • Do nothing until you cannot breath, then go to the hospital

The Frontline Doctors were vilified by the media and the NIH for offering this advice:

  • Get outside and get sunlight which produces Vitamin D
  • Take Vitamin D and Zinc, which stops COVID from replicating
  • Take Hydroxychloriquine once per week, which acts like a vaccine
  • If you get sick, take D, Zinc and Ivermectin, don't wait until you can't breath

In April of 2022, the following article was published on the NIH.GOV website, explaining the truth about COVID-19. Remember, the Satanic rules are that they have to tell us the truth. But few people take the time to look:

You can find this article here, or read it below:

Peer Reviewed Ivermectin Study mentioned above (PDF)

In the PDF study above, they list 7 key protocols to treat cancer at home. It is interesting that these protocols are identical to the Front-Line-Doctors protocols to treat COVID.

If a person is vaccinated for Covid-19

Then they have no reason to fear the unvaccinated

As they are vaccinated and can't get Covid now

They cannot get Covid, because they are vaccinated

At least that is what we were told

So why do they care, if someone is unvaccinated?

But it turned out, that the vaccinated

Continued to get Covid, even after getting vaccinated

While the Unvaccinated only got Covid once,
and then never again

We who did not get vaccinated

We could see the lies

We were concerned about potential side effects

Unknown Side-Effects

Experimental Shot

Experimental mRNA

Potentially altering our DNA

ALL to protect us from a disease...

That has a 99.99% survival rate

Shaming The Unvaccinated

(3-1/2 Minutes)

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The study Simone Gold is referring to may be read in it's entirety in the following PDF:

Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents study

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