Global Warming

Could this topic be another Cabal (Two-Headed Eagle) tactic to create fear and chaos and drive massive amounts of money in their direction?

  • In 1970, the United Nations (UN) said Earth would have an environmental disaster within 10 years.
  • In 1982, they said if something isn't done within 10 years, human intervention would no longer be possible to correct the problem.
  • In 1989, the UN said they needed money to correct the global environmental issue quickly or by the year 2000, it would be irreversible.

  • In 2000, they said that within 10 years, all of the beaches would be gone, and New Orleans and New York would have seawater in the streets due to the melting of the polar ice caps.

The United Nations' predictions never came true. And trillions of dollars have been spent on this designed fear.

But what about all of the scientific data that has been presented? What about all of the graphs showing temperatures rising?


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Data is easy to fake.
The Cabal is good at faking things.

Solutions are engineered to "beat" global warming. But the side effects of those solutions are never discussed in "Follow the Science:"

The electric batteries will eventually corrode and leach lithium and other toxins into the soil and eventually the water table.

"Follow the Science" needs to also include researching any solution offered to its full environmental impact.

Electric Scooter Graveyard
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All the batteries that will be needed for everyone to drive electric cars... Let's look into how Lithium batteries are made and make sure that is a safe process for the environment.

Isn't it odd that after 30 years of ever-present global-warming fear, "Science" has never issued a statement to define when the crisis will be over? That shouldn't be that hard.

Something like, When CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) levels in the atmosphere all register below X in 12 locations around the earth, every day, for 3 years in a row, then we have succeeded and the crisis is over.

Then the media reports on our progress every day.

But this is not happening. It would be very simple to do. Why has the end goal not been defined and communicated?

ANSWER: because over the past nine years, CO2 levels have been consistently dropping.

If the world knew this, we would stop spending money to fix this invisible (non-existent) problem. The Cabal wants this to continue as it enriches them.

Another reason the Cabal wants CO2 levels to be lower is plant life cannot survive without CO2. Trees, plants, and crops all thrive when CO2 levels are higher.


Plants breathe in CO2 and exhale oxygen.

Mammals (Humans) breathe in oxygen and exhale CO2.

If there is less CO2, crops will not grow as well... creating food shortages... Rain forests would not thrive.

We need CO2 levels to be higher to maintain the balance. Plants thrive when CO2 is high and consume the excess and produce more oxygen. It is a self-balancing system.

But the powers that be, the Globalists- the Cabal, continue to push for lower and lower carbon levels.

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When "Global Warming" was first mentioned by Al Gore, academic scientists came forward and explained that the sun has always been in a harmonic resonation, growing a little warmer and then a little cooler and that, if anything, we are heading toward a cooling cycle.

These scientists were threatened, fired, and defunded into silence. Only the mainstream media was allowed to control the narrative... Disaster is coming- always doom and gloom, until recently. The narrative is beginning to shift.

Jorgen Peder Steffensen

Neils Bohr Institute
Department of Geophysics
University of Copenhagen
(4 minutes 9 seconds)

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Four thousand years ago, the earth was 6 degrees F warmer than it is now.

TRT World News (Istanbul Turkey)
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 (Climate Intelligence) is an independent foundation established in 2019 by Emeritus Professor of Geophysics Guus Berkhout.

CLINTEL's main objective is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change as well as the effects of climate policy.

Over 1,600 noted scientists have signed the following declaration:

See the full declaration and all 1,600 signatures in this PDF:

No Climate Emergency.PDF

Since this PDF was published, the list of signatures has grown.

Historical Evidence
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Global Warming
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This past summer (2021), we had some of the hottest weather in decades. However, Greenland's ice glacier and the Antarctic Ice Shelf are growing. And they have been growing for the past 9 years in a row.

It feels like the climate change narrative is similar to the pandemic narrative- create fear- a fear that can't be seen- a fear that is always invisible. Create blame for the fear- create more fear, and then create more blame...

AND Never create a measuring stick to define when it will be over...

Instead, they create solutions that require massive amounts of money that funnel into private Cabal-controlled companies...

The Cabal actors in governments are even talking about creating an "Individual Carbon Tax" where anyone who is breathing is creating carbon emissions and, therefore, should pay another tax to help offset their breathing...

As an intelligent species, we should clean up after ourselves. I'm not suggesting otherwise. But the fear that is wrapped around global warming is intense. And if you follow the money (tax-payer money) and where it is going... it leads right to the Cabal. It is a scheme to rake billions of dollars out of the unsuspecting public while also destroying our crops.

Dr. Patrick Moore
Co-Founder of Greenpeace

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Professor Ian Plimer
Australian Geologist and Professor Emeritus
University of Melbourne
(67 Seconds)

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Real science would explain what is required for the crisis to be over. But the Cabal doesn't want it to end. They need fear to keep their sheep divided and obeying.

Just like the Pandemic. None of the numbers add up to a pandemic. Not when you consider that the Flu disappeared and accredited doctors who spoke out against the vaccines were silenced. Censorship is not science. Asking questions and having open and transparent discussion about data is science.

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