The 2017 World Tour

Trump toured the world, and the press made fun of him

World Tour
(2 minutes)

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The late-night talk show hosts sure had fun with this world tour, showing Trump walking in front of the Queen and calling him a baboon for doing so. (Nobody walks in front of the Queen.)

They talked about how the visit with the Pope looked like a funeral.

All good laughs, but what was really going on?


NWO = New World Order
TRI = Trilateral Commission
SA = Saudi Arabia
POTUS = President of the United States
NK = North Korea

Most Anons believe that North Korea is a puppet nation being controlled and run by the CIA.

The post above asks a lot of questions, and Anons promptly researched them. One Anon put the following video together to address the post above and explain what happened on Trump's World Tour in 2017.

World Tour
(90 minutes)

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All of the gaffs that Trump committed and the late-night talk show hosts made fun of were done on purpose. This was to send a message to others, who are cooperating on a global scale to root out and destroy the Cabal, that Trump was successful at each of his stops.

Trump walked in front of the Queen, which was forbidden. No one ever walks in front of the Queen because she outranks everyone. Trump walked in front of her because he now outranks her. She capitulated. Trump controls the Crown.

The funeral picture above showed us all that Trump got the Pope to capitulate.

The sword dance. Trump is the King of Saudi Arabia.

These things were done on purpose to show the other operatives around the world that Trump succeeded.

An anon asks Q if we have the gold:

Q Responds: Yes, Gold will destroy the Federal Reserve.

What Gold? The Cabal has been stealing the U.S. citizens' money since 1913 and converting it to gold and storing it at the Vatican.

This is the money of the citizens of the USA.

It is commonly believed among the Anons that it took over 650 military cargo planes to carry all the gold from the Vatican and bring it back to the U.S.

Look at the Pope's face. He's not happy, but he agreed to give the gold back, in return for something...

It is believed that this is enough gold for the USA to return to a Gold Standard, which will lead to prosperity.

The following is cut and paste from Here and is generally believed among some Anons:

“Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury”

Author: Judy Byington

Summary: An international military force reportedly repatriated 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican to the US Treasury. Charlie Ward, PhD, claimed his team secured the gold and valuables and also stated that 13 demon-bloodline families, Mafia heads, the Pope, and 350 personnel in the Vatican were arrested. This action led to the closure of over 6,000 Vatican bank accounts used for illegal activities.

Trump / Q's message to the world
(Viral Video)

(This was a campaign speech Trump gave in 2016)

(5 minutes)

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The link in the following Q post (3387) leads to the video above, and this post helped the video above go viral in 2019.

Q is revealing a lot in this post and is giving us the timeline for when "The Plan" will be completed. This "Plan" has been decades in the making, but the execution of the plan began on Trump's 2017 world tour- two years prior to this post.

Q says it will take 6 more years to complete "The Plan" to take down the Cabal.

We were all disappointed in 2019 to discover we had 6 more years to wait. But, we understood it would not be easy to take out an ancient, embedded, and global intelligent evil.

"The Plan," according to the post, should be completed in the summer of 2025, after that, it will be work doing "clean-up" in the form of tribunals and re-establishing an honest and fair government, banking system, education, media, health care systems, etc.

We Have the Servers

(4 Minutes)

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POS = Piece of S#!T

Q started posting after Trump's world tour. It is also believed that when Trump visited Russia, the strings that were controlling Putin were cut, and he is now helping us destroy the Cabal.

Decades in the Making

The Take Down of the Cabal

(5 minute video)

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