16-Year Plan to Destroy America

If a foreign nation wanted to destroy America, how would they do it?

They wouldn't win if they attacked us with traditional military warfare. America has the most powerful military on Earth.

The only way it could be done is through infiltration and subversion.

It would have to be an information war. And the battlefield would be in the hearts and minds of the American People.

Here is what we have learned from Q:

We are at war. The deep state Cabal is waging war on the American people and the citizens of the world. This war is being fought with information rather than guns, tanks, and bombs.

Many people still believe that the CDC, Pfizer, Dr. Fauci, and the mainstream media would never lie to them, have our best interests in mind, and are protecting us from harm.

They fight this war by getting people to believe false information - the illusion - and training the people to do as they are told, like sheep.

Decoding the Q drop above:

  • Obama was to serve as President for 8 years. While in office, he was to:

    • Install Rogue Operations
    • Leak to his foreign bosses Classified Intelligence and Military Assets
    • Cut Funding to Military
    • Take command away from the Generals
    • Open the Border, flood illegal aliens into the country
    • Etc. Everything listed in the drop above

  • Hillary was to serve the second 8 years and:

    • Eliminate any remaining good guys from the military
    • Kill the economy by ushering in COVID-19
    • Lock down the country for 10 years with annual new variants while we wait 10 years for a vaccine
    • Slowly starve and demoralize the American People
    • Open the borders further
    • Revise the Constitution
    • Remove the 2nd Amendment so we cannot fight back
    • Install Cabal Judges on the Supreme Court to navigate legal wins in the Cabal's favor
    • Usher in nuclear war, lose, America falls, Constitution gone, New World Order.

  • Hillary would then help usher in the NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) - America has fallen

    • The NWO = One World Government, where the Elites are the rulers of the world (Rothschilds, Bill Gates, George Soros, etc.)

    • One World Police Force = If you do not comply, you are arrested and taken to a Fema Camp

Q's mission:

Prevent this evil 16 year plan from succeeding

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