![]() Deltas
Q dropped a lot of messages that didn't make sense at the time. Several years later, within a day or two of the Q-drop's original date, news outlets would report an event that was described in the old Q-drop. These became known as Deltas In scientific terms, a delta is a difference, a change in time, weight, speed, etc. It is used in scientific equations. In this case, it is an exact change in time. 1-Year-Delta 3-Year-Delta 10-Day-Delta 60 Second Delta Etc. Q accurately predicted the future, which dismayed a lot of people. There are two ways to predict the future:
Anons believe the latter. An anon asked Q directly: ![]() Here is an example of a Delta: The following Q-Drop, #68, was dropped on November 3, 2017 ![]() Q always calls Democrats "Ds." HRC is Hillary Rodham Clinton Huma is Huma Abedin, Hillary's Vice Chair of her 2016 Election Campaign, and she was married to Anthony Weiner. They divorced after Anthony was arrested for sending nude photos of himself to underage girls. Four years later, (4-Year Delta) Q-Drop 68 makes sense; Huma is interviewed on MSNBC, where she literally discusses her family history and relationship with Hillary. (3 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." A Delta like this, which is so specific, causes the Anons to activate and put Huma under a microscope and draw attention to her. So, we follow Huma and see what she is up to. Back to this in a minute... There have been thousands of Q Deltas, some big, some small and usually several per week, and still continuing to this day (Jan 16, 2025). So why would Q create Deltas? Q created an army of Anons across the Earth. When Q focuses on something or someone, the Anons activate and flood social media with the news. This causes non-Anons (Normies) to become aware, and start the process of waking up to the Cabal illusion. The Q phenomenon is a massive Psy-Op by the White-Hat players to take down the Cabal. And the White Hats needed an army of digital soldiers to combat the main stream media narrative. Main stream would tell their illusion story, on all networks, to mislead the masses, and the Anon's would flood social media with meme's that pointed out how ridiculous the story is and how it could not possibly be true. An army of anonymous soldiers fighting the main stream media. Why did Q want us to focus on Huma? The following didn't come from Q but from Anon's researching into Huma. Which is what Q wanted, and what the world needed: ![]() A Snuff Film is gross, it is a film showing a real person being brutally murdered and published on the "Dark Web" where people pay to watch it. Here is what is said to have been uncovered: When Anthony Weiner was arrested, his laptop was confiscated. Allegedly, on the laptop, there was a folder named "Life Insurance Policy," which held a video. The alleged video was a Snuff Video. It is said that four police officers opened the video, watched it, and came out of the room throwing up. The FBI confiscated the laptop, and mysteriously, all four officers died over the next few weeks in odd circumstances. Do you recall Adrenochrome and how it is obtained? It is a part of a satanic ritual. You can dig into this video further by searching for the term Frazzle Drip It is very sick. I do not recommend looking it up. It is alleged by some anons and online personalities that the video contains Huma and HRC engaging in a satanic ritual of child sacrifice to Moloch and extracting Adrenochrome. ![]() (25 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." These Deltas have been helpful to the Anons for encouragement, to keep fighting, and never give up. After Q stopped posting on December 8, 2020, the Anons felt out of sorts and left to defend themselves without Q around. The Deltas helped get through 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024- without Trump in office. Almost all of us thought "The Storm" would happen sooner. As time passed, most anons figured out that they needed to fight the fight without Q. But the Deltas keep coming. Here are a few more: ![]() 5-Year Delta![]() Just look at John Fetterman. ![]() He was a mumbling, stumbling senator from Pennsylvania. He wore shorts and t-shirts on the Senate floor. One day, he had to go to the hospital. A few days later, he came out taller and better looking. And somehow, he now articulates well. A lot of jokes and memes are circulating about Fetterman continually being replaced with another body double. ![]() Body doubles in politics are more common than anyone ever thought. Back to Feinstein: Some suspect that Feinstein likely died a few years prior, and a body double was in play. What Q may have done is put some of the Cabal into submission, forcing them to finally make the announcement that Dianne has passed, and forced them to do it on a specific day or week. Consider the Jimmy Carter Story: Jimmy Carter went into hospice in February of 2023. When people go into hospice, they usually pass away within a week or two. But Jimmy was in hospice for just under 2 years. Jimmy most likely passed away in 2023, but the Cabal saved the announcement for a time when they need to clog the news feeds. They did this all the time during Trump's presidency. Trump would do something great, so the Cabal would clog the news feed with the passing of someone famous. The person passed weeks, months, or years prior, but they held the story for the sole purpose of clogging the news feed when needed. Reverse Delta's A reverse delta is when someone famous, like Trump, or one of Trump's partners, posts something on social media, on the exact day of a Q drop with identical subject matter. When Trump would do this, it tells the Anons to focus on this topic, or that this Q-Drop is about to become reality. Trump has done so many reverse deltas that it is no longer statistically possible that Trump and Q are not one in the same or working together. An Anon kept track, and by December 19, 2019, Trump had performed 36 Zero-Second Deltas from a Q post. The Q post and Trump's Tweet were posted/sent at exactly the same time and related to the same topic. This Anon posted the graph they created on the Q board. And Q responded. ![]() Greatest Statistical Anomaly ![]() Upon study of the graph above, it is clear that Trump performed over 500 Reverse Deltas before the end of 2019. And all were 20 minutes or less Deltas. The above happened on December 19, 2019. That day, Trump was impeached for the first time. The Anon responds back to Q: ![]() ![]() Elon Musk It has been said that Elon is/was in the Cabal and is/was a Satanist. His past behavior and tweets suggest there may be/have been truth to this. ![]() ![]() And Elon's Mom: ![]() Elon is/was the richest man in the world. He owns/owned and is/was the largest shareholder of many companies, such as:
In today's world (21st Century), evidence suggests that very few people can succeed as actors or musicians or get mega-rich without taking the blood oath with the Cabal. In the past, Elon said and did weird things. Then he bought Twitter, and something changed. He's different. He says good things. Things that are benevolent and no longer malevolent. He stopped the censorship on Twitter and is turning it into a true and honest free-speech platform. Elon posts comments now that are strangely Q-like. He sounds like Q. He posts things like Q would. ![]() There is a lot of speculation about him, but many Anons think that Elon was either put into submission by the Patriots and forced to purchase Twitter and do as he is told... Or, he was taken out by the Patriots and replaced by a body double. No one knows for sure, but he is different. Reverse Delta Elon does a lot of Reverse Deltas. Anyone familiar with Qs posts can do a reverse delta. Pick any Q post, and on the same date, post something on Twitter about that post or reference it - it's then a Reverse Delta. It's not very clever, as anyone can do a reverse delta who is familiar with Q posts, but it does show to the world that you believe Q is legitimate. If I did it, nobody would care. But when Elon first started doing it, the Anons paid attention, started digging, and concluded that he had either been flipped or replaced by a look-a-like controlled by the Patriots. If Trump does a reverse delta, it is meaningful and gives the Anon's more hope. Another form of a Delta/Reverse Delta is matching time stamps and/or misspellings, to show the people that this is on purpose: ![]() Concord has an extra 'e' at the end. Note the timestamp ![]() Trump posted the above at 8:17 Then, if we search the Q posts for time stamp 8:17, we find: ![]() If you look into the relevance of Trump's "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" quote: ![]() It was the beginning of the Revolutionary War. Trump is saying the war is about to intensify. There is definitely a correlation between pseudo-Musk's post and Trump's post, which ties back to a Q-Drop. Here is one that is a time-stamp nod. Take the time stamp and see if that Q post is relevant. Trump posted the following at exactly 11:21 pm, complaining about Biden attacking him using "Lawfare." Biden is using his Department of Justice and FBI to harass his political opponent. ![]() ![]() ![]() We will be watching for attacks on Matt Whitaker. ![]() Dan Scavino, since 2015, has been Trumps Social Media Director. And he posts a lot of reverse delta's, time stamp nods and video length nods. If Dan posts a video, Anon's will look up the post number that corresponds with the length of the video, and the Q post will be relevant. In this case, when a letter is missing, Anon's go to the Q board and search for the missing letter in brackets. In the picture above, the letter A is missing in the mirror. Search Q board for [A] and we get: ![]() Anon's have been waiting since 2017 for the final act to play out. Dan is letting us know the Closing Act is upon us. Deep State has been dismantled and that it is impossible to clean completely but operations are under way by the NSA. Christopher Wray is/was the FBI Director under Biden. Trump supporters think he is corrupt and part of the Deep State. Anon's know better: ![]() Q told us to Trust Wray in multiple q drops. The post above is the first. The credit for catching the following, goes to Anon Joe Rambo: ![]() You can watch a short clip of the 60min/Wray interview here: https://x.com/BrainStorm_Joe/status/1878798000526627115?t=mz4tF51mk_3umwuTYfs2vg&s=09&mx=2 In the 60 minute interview, Wray says the exact same message. "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear". The closing act is upon us. If you are just learning about Q now, then these Deltas may not be all that interesting to you. But they are important to the Anons. Anons are constantly being ridiculed by "Normies" and the mainstream media. Soon, the normies will wake up and mainstream media will be forever altered for the better. ![]() ![]() In the Q post above, Q tells us riots are being planned by the Cabal, but the Q team has countermeasures in place. If this post is a 2-year delta, then it was referring to the riots in 2020 in Portland and Minneapolis. It is also possible this is a 7-year delta, if riots are being planned for 2025. Time will tell. Other Q posts suggest the National Guard (NG) may play a role in these countermeasures. NG = National Guard ![]() Watch for the National Guard being activated in major cities. Clean and swift UPDATE: The National Guard, as Q predicted, was activated in select cities just before the 2024 election. 128 Guardsman total across the country in select cities. What is really interesting, is that all of them were Cyber Security Specialists. Anon's believe they were activated to thwart any digital election cheating. 6 Year Delta Q posted the following in 2018 on Nov 6th. It was a message to the Anon's for the day after the 2024 Election, congratulating and encouraging the Anon's on Trump's win in 2024. ![]() Q posted the following on June 3, 2018 ![]() The words are formed in the shape of an upside-down pistol. Four BOOMs make up the pistol grip. A week to remember Dark to Light Blackout Necessary Nine days later, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un signed a document committing to four goals. During Trump's visit to North Korea, he showed Kim Jong-un a video that Trump's team had made to help convince him to work with the Great Awakening team and eliminate the Cabal. Here is that video: (4 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." An Anon replied to Q's post above after doing some research, hoping to have Q confirm if he was right. Based on Q's response, the Anon was correct. ![]() 4 Points / 4 Booms Dark to Light 1:07 At the 1 minute 7 second mark in the video, there is a Dark to Light reference. But due to "Camouflaging" the video, the Dark to Light reference happens at 1:03 in the above video. Q called all of this out nine days before it happened. 9-day delta. Also, note the upper left corner of the image above. Posted by: Anonymous
There are too many Deltas and time-stamp examples to list. But it has been and still is fun to be a part of this in real-time, as they happen. It is encouraging. ![]() Q dropped this post on March 28, 2019 Then, five years later, to the day, this happens: ![]() The Illinois Supreme Court upheld Smollett's conviction! It Shall Be Done. Q. Why is this significant? On the surface, it seems to be just a strange coincidence. But let's dig deeper into how the deep state does its dirty work. Question: What was Smollett convicted of? Answer: He publicly created a staged event (False Flag (FF),) hiring people to lynch him while they were wearing MAGA hats. Why is this significant? Congress then passed the "Antilynching Act of 2022," which provides a 30-year sentence to anyone convicted of lynching someone. Why is this significant? ![]() The bill was enacted in 2022. Smollett staged his fake lynching in 2019. Throughout American History, this is how bills become laws. The deep state Cabal wants a certain bill to be passed into law for their future use against a political enemy. They write the bill and introduce it into Congress. If it succeeds, great. If it does not and flounders, they stage a False Flag event to create media coverage to put pressure on Congress to pass such a bill. ![]() ![]() |