NephilimThe Offspring of Fallen Angels and Human Women, Which Produced Giants (17 Second Video) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." You can view the following, for yourself, at the Library of Congress:,0.207,1.711,1.077,0 Abraham Lincoln once visited Niagara Falls and, in his own hand, wrote the following in his journal: The eyes of that species of extinct giants whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara as ours do now. Abe Lincoln was writing of the mounds that are now called "Indian Burial Mounds," which are all across North America and are federally protected. It is illegal to dig into these mounds. Before these mounds were federally protected, homesteaders in the 1800s would find them on their property and dig into them to build a temporary dugout shelter while they built their cabin. There, they found was the skeletal remains of very large humans. In the late 1800s, after the camera was invented, many of these skeletons were photographed and put in local newspapers and museums. There is a one-hundred-year-old rumor that the Smithsonian Institute would hear about a giant skeleton discovery and try to obtain that skeleton, offering a higher and higher dollar amount until they were sold the bones. The rumor continues to this day that the Smithsonian then secretly destroyed the bones. This is a convenient story, adding to the mystery of all of this. You can view the above article in the link below and then scroll down that page a bit to find it. There is one of these mounds near my hometown in Minnesota, where the Dakota and Ojibwe lived. Both of these tribes either burn their dead in their hut or tie them to planks high in a tree or on a stilted platform. The following clippings were found at the Library of Congress, which allows searching through digitized old newspapers using search terms such as: "Giant Skeleton Found." You can see for yourself here: Why would books that are so big it takes more than one person to lift them exist? (3 Minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (49 Second Video) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (90 Second Video) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." It is true that many of these skeletons were sent to the Smithsonian and that they purchased a lot of them. So where are they? If they didn't destroy them, then they should still have them. Thousands of newspaper clippings from 100 years ago discuss these discoveries. Things to think about. 2 Pages Gilgamesh.PDF Story of Gilgamesh (4 Minutes 31 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." Hillary Clinton Attempts Getting Gilgamesh's Remains (2 Minutes 46 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." It makes one wonder... The Cabal, the Luciferians, the secrets... All kept from us for a reason. Why would the Cabal want the historical records of Giants erased from history? Could it be that it validates the Bible? And they don't want the Bible to be believed? There are a lot of questions... A lot that has been hidden from us. If all this is true, then there have been cannibal, satanic practices since way back to the beginning... At various points in Earth's history, these satanic people were out in the open and were in power. The common people (Non-satanic) knew there were those who ate human flesh and drank human blood, so they kept their children close to them. Enoch was also told by the angels that the Son of God/Man would come and the Luciferians would hate him, for he was the only one who could stop them. Jesus sacrificed his body and his blood to stop the Luciferians.
Prior to Jesus, human souls went to the underworld (Hell) when they died. And Hell was ruled by Satan. These souls stayed there forever. God had a plan. God could not go to Hell because it could not contain his divinity. He could not exist there. So, he came to Earth for the purpose of being born human with flesh and blood but still God (Jesus). The Luciferians thought Jesus (God) had come to Earth to re-establish the Garden of Eden, and they did not want that to happen. So, the Luciferians had Jesus killed, which was exactly what God/Jesus wanted. By killing Jesus, they spilled the blood of (God made Flesh), which atoned for our souls, which created the eventual downfall of the Luciferians. Jesus died and, like all humans, descended into Hell. Now, God was in Hell, which was the plan all along. Jesus then freed all of the souls in Hell, which Satan ruled over, and ascended them to heaven. Now, Satan had no souls to rule over. Jesus then defeated death and rose from the dead, breaking the chains of Hell. Jesus then ascended into heaven, completing the plan. Jesus' death atoned for all sins: past, present, and future. Now, when a human dies, they no longer go to Hell but go to Heaven. This is why Jesus is our Savior. Anyone who believes in Jesus and the resurrection will have eternal life. Lucifer created death, separating humans from God. God came to earth in the form of a man, and was sacrificed (killed) to atone for our sins. Dying and resurrecting defeated death, allowing us to be with our Heavenly Father. One cannot get to the Father without going through the Son. Jesus is God. God is Jesus. Two but one. Then there is their Holy Spirit (Three). The Trinity. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. At the Last Supper, Jesus broke bread and said, "Let this be my body, take of it and eat it." He held up a glass of wine and said, "Let this be my blood, take from it and drink it." There are many views on what this meant. It seems significant. One interpretation is that Jesus is telling us to be like him. Follow in his path. Be Christ-Like. And turn to God. Another interpretation, and it could be all these things, is that at the time of Jesus, everyone knew about the Luciferians and their eating habits and rituals. Was this the reason Jesus did this at the Last Supper? Does the mystery of the body and blood (Bread and Wine) somehow have a connection to the Luciferians' rituals? Or, was Jesus a replacement? Was Jesus saying to eat his symbolic body and blood in place of human flesh and blood- to stop the satanic practices and follow the true Way, God's Way? And that following Jesus's teachings instead of the sacrificial rituals- to let him be the lamb, the body, the blood- is the Way. Does this tie together? Forcing wheels in motion to eventually take down the Luciferians? Now? Romans 16: 17-18 17) I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18) For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Was the Cabal active during the time of Jesus? Is that one of the reasons Jesus came- to show us the Cabal's trickery and deceit? Is the Cabal still at it today- dividing us by race- gender- vaxxed vs unvaxxed- left vs right? A house divided is weak. First Corinthians 1:10 10) I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. Mark 3: 24-26 24) If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25) If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 26) And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come. The purpose of the Q Movement is to unite "We the People" and to divide the house of Satan. Look what has happened so far: The Luciferians released COVID-19, which was supposed to create lockdowns for 10 years. Fauci said it would take 10 years to get a vaccine, and only a vaccine could end the pandemic. Trump countered this with a vaccine (Warp Speed) to end it earlier. Q knew that the vaccine had already been created long before... (Cabal planning) Part of the Cabal wanted lockdowns for 10 years. Another part (Big Pharma) wanted the revenue NOW and pushed the vaccine. The House of Lucifer became divided... There are many examples of this. The Four Horsemen We all know or know of the book of Revelations, which speaks about the "End Times," "Judgment," and "Tribulations," etc. What if the trials and tribulations have been completed? Plague, War, Pestilence, Disease. What if the "End Times" is now behind us? What if the last 2000 years have been the End Times? And now they are over? The endless wars... The endless famines... The endless diseases... The endless suffering... ALL CREATED BY THE CABAL What if the End Times is not meant for us... but meant for Lucifer and his followers? This is what Enoch spoke of... The Cabal has spent thousands of years creating a Grand Illusion with real suffering. Perhaps The Book of Revelations is not such a scary thing, but instead, it is a book of hope, for it predicts the Fall of the Cabal, the fall of Lucifer, the fall of suffering, the rise to a Great Awakening. Back to Menu |