Spinning Ball or Flat Earth? This page presents the Flat Earth theories for you to ponder. Following is a map of the Flat Earth Theory, as described in Book 1 of Enoch, from the Dead Sea Scrolls: In Flat Earth, there is no South Pole. South is simply the opposite direction of pointing North. Enoch, who was Noah's grandfather (Noah's Ark,) was told by Angels exactly how the Earth was designed and mapped, and how the sun, moon, and constellations moved in the Heavens. This description is in the Book of Enoch I and the map shown above. The Book of Enoch.pdf Antarctica is a large ring of land and ice upon which sits the firmament. Think of the firmament as a snow globe. This is the Ancient Hebrew conception as told to Enoch: All of which are held together by God. God created this earthly realm for his human family. If the Earth is flat, the following route is how someone would sail around the Earth in a ship: Study the map above and memorize the layout of the continents. Take a look at the logos of the following entities: I have no idea, but it is worth pondering. Consider the International Aviation Organization. They deal with international airplane flights. They have the Flat Earth map in their logo. Now watch this 59-second video: (59 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." Following is the flight path on a Globe Earth: Following is the flight path on a Flat Earth: On the Flat Earth map, it makes perfect sense why Anchorage was chosen as the closest hospital. Here is something else that is peculiar: The above is taken from: https://www.galileolied.com/post/15-nasa-research-papers-admit-flat-nonrotating If you search, you can find that all defense contracts from the military for aircraft to be built require the planes be built assuming a non-spinning and Flat Earth. (29 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." If the Earth were a globe, wouldn't all aviation manufacturers have to include the requirement of dipping the plane's nose to accommodate the curve of the Earth in their calculations? Yet, all requirements tell the manufacturer to assume a Flat Earth and not worry about having to dip the nose of the plane. The Flat Earth model includes a firmament (like a snow globe) sitting on top of the outer ring of the Earth. (35 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." An issue that exists with all of this is how can we individuals determine for ourselves what the truth is? We are relying on what trusted authorities have told us for many years. Have NASA, TV, and schools fed us lies? You and I can't clear this up by simply getting in a rocket, blasting into space, and look out the window to see a globe floating in space for ourselves. But there is another way. We can do a little experiment across a body of water and test the curvature of the Earth. In the image below, the person standing has a line of sight that the curve of the Earth will block. The streetlight closest to him is fully visible. Streetlights that are further away are hidden behind the curve, and cannot be seen: You would need to be a little savvy with geometry and algebra and use the Pythagorean theorem, which states: Given a Right Triangle, if two of the sides of the triangle have known lengths, the third side's length can be calculated: Given this theorem, the following can be verified by anyone who can perform algebraic equations. Note: We get the Earth's radius (3,959 miles) from NASA. Example: Let's say you are using a telescope on a tripod at location P1, and the telescope is 6 feet off the ground, e = 6, which needs to be added to the Earth's radius for the equation. The equation then calculates the height of 'h' at P3. Anything shorter than 'h' will not be visible through the telescope. The result of this math produces the following table, where "Miles to Object" is the distance between P1 and P3. Vertical drop is the height of 'h.' Everything shorter than the Vertical Drop, will not be visible as it is hidden behind the curvature of the Earth. Note: The following table assumes the observer is looking across water and their eyes are at water level, where variable 'e' above is zero. In the following example, the rowboat is 6 miles away from the observer, which should put the rowboat 24 feet below the curve of the Earth, and the boat should not be visible. You can experiment with this yourself the next time you are out in a boat or on the shore of a lake where the distance across is known. Let's say you are standing on the shore and know the lake is 6 miles across. You should not be able to see anything across the lake that is shorter than 24 feet tall. Single-story houses are around 14 feet tall, and two stories are around 23 to 26 feet tall. See what you see the next time you have this opportunity. If you can see a boat tied to a dock on the other side of a 6-mile lake, the Earth might be flat. Use a telescope or binoculars. The photograph of Chicago above went viral on the internet, creating a buzz about a Flat Earth. So much so that the local meteorologist, Tom Coomes, put the photo on his news segment and explained how this could happen: After Tom Coomes said Joshua's photo was only a mirage on the nightly news, Joshua did a second experiment. This time using a video camera for hours. Superior Mirages are rare, and when they happen, it is usually due to a temperature inversion above the water, creating a prism effect. These usually only last for a few minutes. Same Photographer (but from a different park in Michigan) (70 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." People began replicating this experiment across the Earth and posting their videos online. It has since become an unofficial contest to try and beat the previous world record holder for distance filmed. Israel to the island of Crete is 616 miles away. The island should be 45 miles below the curve of the Earth and not at all visible if the Earth were a globe. (5 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." How do you and I know these people are not pranking us? Photoshop and video-effect software are readily available and all of this could be faked. Who is telling the truth? NASA? These Amateurs? It is hard to know what the truth is. Personally witnessing and viewing the Earth from outer space is impossible for me and 99.9999% of Earth's population. I had to find out for myself, and I conducted a similar experiment 14 miles across a frozen lake. Not nearly as majestic or glamorous as the Chicago footage, but I was able to duplicate the experiment. My results are in the video below. (4 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (59 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (3 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..."
(26 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..."
(Record holding amateur rocketeers) (1 minute 36 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." A troubling problem with the Flat Earth is wondering how the sun sets. The sun would be seen from everywhere by everyone on earth, all at the same time. It seems like it would never be dark. If the firmament is like a snow globe, which is like a curved lens, could the following 31-second video explain it? (31 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." Sundog (18 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." Sundog (25 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (26 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (8 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (10 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." NASAThe National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationIf the Earth is not a spinning ball in space... then what does NASA do? You decide. On Average, NASA Spends $55,000,000 ($55 million) per day. That is 20 Billion per year... for 60+ years That is over $1.2 Trillion dollars Again, you decide. But here is something curious: Interestingly, every member of the tragic Challenger explosion has a doppelganger (a look-alike) that coincidentally has the exact same name and birthdate and is still alive today... Flat Earthers believe the spacewalks and the space station are filmed on movie sets, using state-of-the-art special effects. Following is an example of how this could be done: (1 minute 51 seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." NASA posted official pictures of the Earth from space. Note the difference from 2007 to 2012. How did North America get bigger? Take a look at this moon walk photo taken from NASA's website here: images.nasa.gov/details/as17-140-21388 Take a closer look at the shadows. The sun is 93 million miles away. At that distance, the shadows would appear to be perfectly parallel to each other. Flat earth conspiracy theorists believe this is a staged moon walk, with stage lighting and the light source is probably only 20 feet away, making the shadows to be not parallel. Out of curiosity, where are the stars? Also, there is no atmosphere on the moon, hence there is no wind. But the flag appears to be blowing around... The P900 is a Nikon Camera that is very popular because of its amazing zoom technology. Not A Space Agency ?? (43 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." (66 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." Nikola Tesla (3 Minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." It is important to answer the fundamental question of WHY? If the Earth is flat, why would so many people want to trick us into believing the Earth is a spinning ball in space, hurtling around the sun? Dr. Michael Heiser, PhD Ancient Hebrew, explains why in his 4-part "Supernatural" series. (Link below). Dr Heiser does not address "Flat Earth" as a topic, but his series answers this question. Briefly, Sheol, in Ancient Hebrew, means "Underworld." It is a prison from which no one returned and can only be reached through death. It was believed this is where souls go when people die. In the beginning, God's presence was on Earth. As long as God was here, nothing died. God is life. Then, angels (Enoch called them "Watchers") hatched a plan to become gods themselves and rule over humans instead of communing with them. This is called "The Fall." See Genesis Chapter 6. These Watchers, chose to come to Earth and take human wives and corrupt humankind. They spread depravity and Earth could no longer contain God's divinity. God's divinity cannot exist where there is depravity. Essentially, these fallen angels' planned to push God out of the Earthly realm and for them to take over. Prior to God's exit, nothing died. God is life. With God gone, people grew old, died, and went to Sheol- where they stayed forever. Little did the fallen angels know that with God gone, they, too, would grow old and die. And they did. Eventually, all of them were in Sheol and collectively formed Satan, the Devil. The fallen angels became gods of the Earth and Sheol. God, the Most High, could not come to Earth in his divine form. So he chose to be born a child and become a man (Jesus). That was the only way he could exist on Earth. These lesser gods recognized Jesus (God) and believed he came to re-establish the Garden of Eden and eliminate depravity. They couldn't allow that to happen. So, they crucified Jesus, solving their perceived problem. If Jesus is dead, he can't rebuild the garden. Jesus/God did not come to re-establish the Garden of Eden. Jesus's purpose was to teach the people, pick a fight with these lesser gods, and trick them into killing him on the cross. Had these lesser gods known what was about to happen, they never would have crucified Jesus. Jesus died and descended into Hell, Sheol, like every other human, but he was still God. He had to go there himself in the form of a man. Jesus, a man with the power of God, is now in Hell. God / Jesus could only get to Hell by becoming a man and dying. Hell is where Satan rules over the dead souls. Jesus, with the power of almighty God, frees the souls and ascends them to Heaven. On the third day, Jesus rises from the dead to instruct his disciples and then he ascends to Heaven. This is why Jesus is our Savior. Because of what Jesus did, when we die, we no longer go to Hell but go directly to Heaven. The lesser gods who chose to fall lost the human souls they ruled over. So they take it out on humankind, working through human subjects, and are still in control and rule the Earth. Their goal is to separate humans from God and create as much depravity as possible. And they do it through trickery. These lesser gods, Satan, cannot let mankind turn back to God. They must drive humankind away from God and, to do that, they must create more and more depravity. So they trick us with lies. The notion that we are one of trillions of spinning balls in space makes each of us feel insignificant in such a larger universe, causing many to feel like God doesn't exist, and if he does exist, he can't possibly care about us. It is important to understand the above to fully understand why certain humans, who worship Satan, would go to such great lengths to cover up a Flat Earth if the Earth is truly flat. If the Earth is flat, it would substantiate the Bible and expose the Satanic lies. It would help prove that God exists, that we are the center of God's attention, and that Jesus truly is our Savior. Watch the Dr. Michael Heiser 4-Part Supernatural Series, linked below. Menu of Other Dr Heiser Videos Back to Main Menu |