Global Mafia

A quick overview:

Much like the Mafia you are familiar with in the USA, who infiltrates or gains blackmail over police chiefs, mayors, congressmen, union leaders, judges etc.

Once they have these authorities compromised, the Mafia can do their illegal activity with impunity because they have the right people, in the right places. They then profit greatly and build their wealth at the expense of the people.

The U.S. Mafia did not create this method, they copied it. They report to the Global Mafia that uses the same tactics, but on a much larger and global scale, and they have been around for centuries.

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They have infiltrated royalty, the Jesuits, Free Masons, the Vatican, all major corporations, and most governments around the world.

For an in-depth historical overview of this Global Mafia, sometimes referred to as a Cabal, watch the two videos found here:

Meet the Cabal

The two-headed eagle above symbolizes their entire plan of operation. This Mafia, or "Cabal," is the stomach of the eagle, where they store their wealth. The two heads are facing opposite directions, but both heads feed the same stomach.

The two opposing heads always work together but appear to oppose one another and are always orchestrated by the stomach. The one head will start a conflict between nations, pit race against race, or create a famine or pandemic, etc. The other head will be the solution to come in and save the people and be the hero.

Their whole secret is to keep the masses focused on other things while they slowly gather the wealth of the world and, over time, move the chess pieces around on the global board, inching ever closer to their ultimate goal, "The new world order."

Think about what is happening right now:
  • The media pits Black against White
  • Men against Women
  • Black against Cops
  • Mask wearers against anti-maskers
  • Vaxxers against anti-vaxxers
  • Poor against Rich
  • Corporations against the People

All are lies and all are created to keep our attention focused on invisible fears, rather than focusing our attention on our leaders and what they are really up to.

People are so busy worrying about these invisible fears that they are too occupied to see the bigger picture.

The Grand Illusion

The Cabal has done this for centuries. Some say all the way back to Babylonian times. They teach their children their system, and they keep it hidden, always operating in the shadows for centuries.

They call this form of manipulation "Magick." It is all a part of the illusion they create on the world stage to serve the stomach of the two-headed eagle.

Think of an entertainment magician. This person performs illusions to entertain the audience. How do they do this? They control everything: the lighting, the visual angles of the audience, misinformation, misdirection, the narrative, and the timing. And it is fun and done for entertainment purposes.

But what if these same principles were used on a global scale through media, politics, and wars?

What if our day-to-day lives, how we behave, how we think, and what we believe to be solid truths were simply a part of this grand illusion?

One head of the eagle manipulates the media and politics to deceive us into believing a grand narrative (The magician, getting the audience to turn their heads to the left for a moment while the deceit of the illusion is in motion to their right).

Just keep in mind how magic tricks (illusions) work. It is nothing more than a carefully planned and practiced series of moves to get the audience or public to look the other way or believe what they are seeing is fact. Nothing more.

The leaders of this Cabal are 13 families whose bloodlines go way back.

They believe their bloodlines are of gods, and they believe that the rest of the human race should be subjugated to do their bidding and that the people should own nothing and simply enjoy serving them as if they are gods.

Why do they think they are of the gods? they believe they are the descendants of the fallen angels.

Whether this is true or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that they believe they are, and they are acting on their belief. And they have the wealth, power, and control to carry out their plans.

Genesis Chapter 6:1-4
and Enoch Book 1.

If you would like to delve into this now, watch the four-part series "Supernatural" by Dr. Michael Heiser, PhD, Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Greek. (4 one hour talks)

4 Part Supernatural Series, M. Heiser

Or, if you would like a 5 minute overview, see:

Why they think they are gods

The Cabal has changed family names throughout history. Currently, the biggest names being discussed online are Rothschild, Rockefeller, and Gates, just to name a few. The leaders at the top of this evil empire are kept well hidden. There is a lot of information out there on this topic that connect many dots. Research for yourself.

Of course, everything about the Cabal, the 13 families, and the names mentioned is considered a "conspiracy theory." And as we all know, all conspiracies are false and people who discuss them are crazy nut jobs.

Meet Lynn de Rothschild

And this is a photo of her in front of her fireplace that was spread online

Fact checkers state that the image above is photoshopped (faked).

Here is what they say is the real photo:

The second painting, deemed the original and real painting, is most likely accurate. Why would someone try to depict the Rothschilds as Satan worshipers?

The Rothschilds

Note the Two-Faced Mask

Simply understand this: "They," the Cabal, believe they are gods, and they worship Satan. Their whole system is their religion: profit through Chaos and subjugate the masses through trickery.

Their secrets and "magic" illusion techniques were taught and passed down from generation to generation, growing their secret group, which only operates in the shadows until they have infiltrated most of the world's governments, corporations, organizations, and religions.

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and Mitt Romney

The Cabal infiltrated royalty centuries ago and controlled all of Europe. There were many techniques used to infiltrate. One which they used often, centuries ago, was to simply intercept a traveling diplomat or royal and replace them with one of their own.

This replacement had their training and instructions. They may then marry the right person and take over, or exert influence toward their thousand-year plan. All of these people, who infiltrated, were pawns and puppets in the plan of the 13 families. Once they were installed, they were simply puppets under the families' control.

"Royalty" was the Cabal's puppets.

Is the practice of switching leaders still being conducted today? Something to ponder...

Ear lobes don't change

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How Deep Does this Go?

George Green Exposes the Cabal
(9 minutes)

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We have the illusion of democracy. The Cabal, the self-proclaimed gods, control all outcomes.

Consider Democrats vs Republicans. Many in the USA heavily focus on one or the other and argue adamantly with friends and family for or against each side.

Consider that this is a part of the Cabal's illusion. What if the Cabal controlled both sides? What if both presidential candidates were puppets, and it didn't matter who won the election?

The Cabal controls both sides.

Illusion of Democracy.

All to keep their sheep (Us) focused on that instead of them.

The Cabal is made up of descendants of the "god" bloodline, and they wish to keep their bloodlines clean and be the rightful rulers of us- the sheep, the non-gods.

John Kerry's daughter married an Iranian National
(Not suggesting anything here... Just something to ponder)

When the America's were discovered, the first to arrive to the new land were people who wanted to get out from under this corrupt form of subjugation. They were the first non-native Americans. They crafted a constitution where subjugation from anyone would not be possible and fought a war to establish this constitution, birthing the United States of America.

This constitution worked well. But what if we depart from the constitution? Example: There is a constitutional amendment for the freedom of religion. But there is not an amendment for the freedom of medicine. (A loophole the Cabal is using today to depart from the "spirit" of the constitution.)

The Cabal also created private banking. They would orchestrate a war and then loan money to both nations to fund their military efforts (2 heads, 1 stomach). The Cabal didn't care who won the war, both were then in debt and would pay dearly in interest on the loans. Later, they would force nations to adopt their private banking system for their nation... (the Federal Reserve is not the USA's) More magic.

Banking, was created by the Satanic Cabal centuries ago. They call it "Money Magick." Who are the big names in banking?

How Cabal Banking Got Started:

Paper Money

It took many decades, but the scripting method became popular and trusted. Trusted to the point where these Cabal banks began loaning money by way of "Scripts."

The bank then loaned out more "Scripts" than they had gold in their vault. This is where the "Money Magick" comes in.

Everyone trusted the Scripts. Scripts were used to purchase things, and nobody had to carry heavy gold around and risk being robbed. The Cabal made sure to have thugs continue to rob people to ensure Scripts would be used.

So, the bank is loaning out a lot more money than they have (just a paper script), but the person who borrowed the money has to pay the bank back in real gold- the entire amount plus interest.

Money Magick

  • No gold was given to the person borrowing it.

  • They just received a paper script.

  • There is no Gold to back up this transaction.

  • But then they have to pay the bank back... in real gold.

  • Loan out "Thin Air" and, in a few years, that thin air turns into real money. (Magick)

The Cabal then gets richer and richer by loaning out thin air.

Now... Translate this system to today. You borrow money to buy a house.

They don't hand you gold to buy the house. It is done either electronically or with a modern-day "Script" called a "Check." You never see the money.

You then work hard and make payments for 30 years and finally pay off the loan. You were loaned Thin Air but paid back real money.

The banks in America are allowed, by law, to loan out more money then they actually have. They may only have one billion dollars, but loan out ten billion.


The Cabal gets richer and richer at our- the peasants- expense.

We are debt slaves.

Most of the wars in history were to keep this system in place. The advertised reason for the war was always something completely different- a lie, "magick" of the cabal. Regimes have been overthrown to get a country on the Cabal's banking system.

Rothschild = Cabal

The following countries are the only countries that do not use the Rothschild private banking system:

North Korea

It is interesting that the countries that are not a part of the Cabal Banking System are always labeled the "Bad Guys" by the media. The Cabal is desperately trying to get its banking system into and thus be in control of those countries.

For more information see:
The Khazarian Mafia

It seems that Mel Gibson is keenly aware of all of this because the Cabal runs Hollywood, and there are rumors that he is working on a movie to expose the Cabal. It is amazing he is still alive if the movie rumors are true- only time will tell. The Cabal's practice is to call people crazy who speak out against them. This normally works. And they did this to Mel for many years, claiming all kinds of things about his father and him.

This Cabal tried to gain control of the USA many times and force the USA into adopting their private banking system. Andrew Jackson fought them back and won... Temporarily.

Abraham Lincoln would not give in to them, so they shot and killed him.

John F. Kennedy went up against the Cabal and was also shot and killed, and then so was his brother Robert.

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