The Insurrection began on November 3, 2020 January 6, 2021 was the distraction to cover it up The presidential inauguration completed the insurrection on January 20, 2021 The "insurrection" on Jan 6, was a Kabuki-theater stunt to clog the news feeds and distract from the election being rigged. Think of All-Star-Wrestling. It's all an act. Many people allege that the FBI orchestrated the Jan 6 capital shenanigans to create the distraction. The picture above was taken from the 40,000+ hours of capital security camera footage that took 3 years to get released. That footage proved a lot of people who were arrested were innocent, and many were released after several years of imprisonment. Why is an FBI agent flashing his badge and wearing a Trump MAGA hat? The camera footage shows that a lot of the "FBI" agents and assets orchestrated the whole thing. (21 minutes) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." If you have viewed these pages in order, then you are familiar with Devolution. A method by which the military can take back our government if it were to be infiltrated by foreign actors. On June 4, 2020 (7 month Delta) Q predicted that Trump (POTUS) would be removed from Twitter. In order for the military to execute Devolution, the Insurrection Act must be declared by the Commander-in-Chief (Trump). To follow the letter of the law, the Commander-In-Chief must first tell the insurrectionists to go home peacefully. If they do not, then he can invoke the Insurrection Act and the military can take over. During the staged Jan 6 event, Trump got on Twitter and posted the following short video: (61 Seconds) Download this video: Right Click and select "Save Link As..." Trump was not just talking to the crowd of people outside the Capital. Trump was speaking to the true insurrectionists, those who were about to certify the electorate for Joe Biden to be the next President of the United States. He told them to go home in peace. They did not. They certified Joe Biden instead, completing the insurrection. The video above was on Twitter for only a few minutes before Twitter shut down Trump's account and declared him kicked off Twitter for causing the Jan 6 "insurrection." The Deep-State Cabal could not allow that video to be seen. After Biden was certified, it is believed that Trump invoked the Insurrection Act and Devolution began. It is believed that shortly after this video, the military inaugurated Trump the Commander-in-Chief of the military. Joe Biden is simply the "President of the United States" but has no control over the military. Some simply state that Joe is the "Resident." |